Colon Cancer From Cheese?

My neighbor was labeled as "cheese man", as he used to bring us lovely cheese specialties from his privately owned cheese house. After 2 years of the launching of the business, he disappeared and no one knew where he had gone. We started to worry. Later, after he returned home, we were informed that he had been to the hospital because he had developed colon cancer. How? - we wondered as he ate the right kinds of food. He used to eat high-fiber food for breakfast, yogurt, juice, tons of fruits, and cheese. He was one of the healthiest people we had ever known.

There was no reason for him to develop colon cancer, yet it happened. The reason? Constant exposure to cold in his cheese depot. He used to spend 8 hours in a huge fridge. A large piece of his colon had to be removed and he was living with a bag hanging from his side. He had immense pain and could only eat liquid for nearly six months. I have seen his pain and struggle, since then I have been very conscious of my circumstances and the exposure to which my body is object.

Cancer does not differentiate. It can come to everyone. Yet not many of us are aware of the risks that lead to developing this disease. Our digestive system is at times not given due importance or attention. People are not clear about the difference between their appendix, small intestine, and colon.

What causes colon cancer? Colon cancer can develop from growing of polyps in the colon. These growths that have a mushroom-like shape, are not deadly, but some may develop into cancer with time. The cancer is diagnosed through colonoscopy, a rather painful examination. Treatment is via surgical intervention which in certain cases has to be followed by chemotherapy.

The patient in many cases do not experiences any symptoms, i.e., asymptomatic. Therefore, fecal occult blood testing is recommended to be carried out on a regular basis. Symptoms become stronger with the lesion being closer to the anus. Such symptoms are changing in bowel habits. For example, change in frequency, quality and consistency of stool, bloody stools, stools with mucus, stool with melena (black color due to oxidation of the iron in hemoglobin as it passes through the colon.) Anemia with dizziness, anorexia, and asthenia, weakness are symptoms as well.

Mostly people over the age of 60 are at risk of developing colon cancer. Removal of colon polyps in time reduces the possible risk of cancer. Individuals with previous colon cancer are apt to developing it again in the future. This disease can be developed on hereditary basis. Needless to say, smoking is a high risk for this type of cancer.

Insufficient consumption of fresh vegetables and fish, and over consumption of red meat can lead to this disease. Naturally, if you are physically active, your digestive system works better and faster, therefore you are at less risk. Human papilloma virus can be the cause of this cancer, therefore you need to check the nature of your virus with your physician when you catch any. Early diagnosis can save your life.

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Your Breast Cancer Treatment Team

Today, the majority of breast cancers are diagnosed by mammography. There cancers are small, often too small to be felt and surgeons usually rely on radiologists to localize these small cancers with a hook wire or some injected dye. The technology has changed drastically and we have entered a new era of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. Because of the many elements that come into play in breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, coordination is necessary among the team of physicians: surgeon, radiation oncologist, cancer pathologist, plastic surgeon, radiologist and medical oncologist.
Ideally, a woman with a recent diagnosis of breast cancer communicates with a primary physician who takes charge of developing a treatment plan with her and then coordinates its implementation. These team members can work at a single institution or be drawn from a wider geographic distribution and any of the cancer specialists can act as the coordinating physician. Often, it is the medical oncologist who coordinates the flow of information and treatment for the patient, but many surgeons and radiation oncologists take on this pivotal role as well.
It is important that breast cancer patients find a cancer specialist that she can communicate with and who will address her concerns. However, there are medical systems in which it may be difficult for the patient to connect with one physician who will act as her coordinating team leader. If you are in this situation, don't despair. You just need adequate information to get you the treatment you need and be your own team leader. It is possible to go through this process without a physician to spearhead your treatment plan and still get high quality health care.
The overall treatment plan revolves around two critical decisions. One deals with local control and the second with the need for systemic therapy. Often, cancer patients and their doctors cannot decide upon the issue of systemic therapy until all the information is available from the surgical procedure.
Since the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer are done primarily on an outpatient basis, cancer patients may travel to various locations for different aspects of treatment. Some women may come to a breast cancer facility for the definitive surgery and then have radiotherapy at a facility closer to their home. If patients require various therapies, it is important to consider doing something similar in order to make treatment appointments as convenient as possible.
One of the key tools used in coordinating a woman's care is a treatment planning conference. This conference is a meeting of treatment team members to discuss the patient's case and to develop a coordinated treatment plan based on the patient's situation. The conference allows each of the team members to view a common history, the radiological breast images, the pathology report and pathology images. The patient is usually excluded from the treatment planning conference in order to allow an honest exchange of opinions between the team members. The treatment planning conference is very important in coordinating care. Each of the potentially treating physicians can, in one setting, agree on an overall treatment plan and their particular contribution to that plan. This united approach also guarantees that the physicians line up the sequencing of the different therapies correctly and in the manner that is most beneficial to the cancer patient.
Besides benefiting the woman with breast cancer, the nature of the conference itself promotes education and understanding on the part of various physicians involved. Women diagnosed in the future stand to benefit greatly from the shared pool of information that these conferences provide medical professionals in general.

source : ezinearticles

Breast Cancer - Young Women

Although many people believe that young women don't get breast cancer, the fact is they can and they do. One in every 229 women between the ages of 30 and 39 will be diagnosed with breast cancer within the next 10 years.
The statistics that surround younger women and breast cancer are frightening. Although only a small percentage of all new breast cancer cases each year involve women aged 40 and younger, breast cancer is still the leading cause of death for women between the ages of 15 and 54. The number of young women diagnosed each year with breast cancer is between 11-12,000. Close to 1400 of those women will die each year. A lot of young women and their doctors do not realize that they too are at risk for this disease.
One of the problems with detection of breast cancer in younger women is that a mammogram is not an effective screening tool for women under 40. Younger women tend to have dense breast tissue and that prevents tumors or areas of calcifications to be seen in the film. Because of the lack of screening tools, younger women are often diagnosed at a later stage in the disease than their older counterparts. In addition, young women's cancers are generally more aggressive and have lower rates of survival. The survival rate for 5 years is 83% for younger women - lower than the survival rate for post-menopausal women.
Another issue that impacts younger women who have breast cancer is that most research is done on breast cancer patients who are over the age of 40 or post-menopausal. Younger women are an underrepresented population in research studies. The drug Tamoxifen is an example of a drug which affects post-menopausal women differently than pre-menopausal women, so younger women who are prescribed this drug as treatment need to do careful research on their own to make sure that the benefits outweigh the risks of the drug.
An additional area of concern for younger women who have breast cancer include issues such as early onset on menopause and fertility issues. Many young women who are diagnosed with breast cancer have not yet begun a family. One of the side effects of chemotherapy and/or hormonal therapies can be irreversible menopause. Tamoxifen is a drug that can affect fertility, so again, younger women will need to research their choices carefully if they plan to have children or start a family in the future. One of the newer treatments for women with hormone receptive breast cancer has only been shown to be effective with post-menopausal women, so a treatment option that younger women will have to make in the future is if they want to take tamoxifen OR shut down or remove their ovaries to bring on early menopause to benefit from a more effective treatment.
The final issue that young women with breast cancer face is the isolation they sometimes feel - brought about by being the youngest in their support group and having to deal with different issues than their older counterparts. One organization which helps provide a network for young breast cancer survivors is the Young Survival Coalition.
Remember - no woman is too young to have Breast Cancer.
Michael Russell

source : ezinearticles

Breast Cancer Symptoms And Diagnosis

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer diagnosed in women if the relatively less aggressive skin cancer is excluded from counting. Breast cancer accounts for about 32 percent of all cancer diagnosed in women.
Breast cancer is very uncommon in male. In families carrying the breast cancer associated genes, male members may be affected disproportionately compared to the general population. In the general population female to male breast cancer may occur at a rate of 1 to 100 (1:100 for male: female).
Prior to introduction of mammography screening breast cancer was often diagnosed as a large lump in the breast, because women were not paying attention to the development of breast tumors. Introduction of mammography had significantly changed the natural history breast caner. In industrialized nations like the United States breast caner is most commonly detected on mammography screening. Mammography screening also brought a great sense of awareness to women and this has resulted in earlier detection of breast cancer.
Even if a woman does not get mammography screening, they are very much aware of the risk of development of breast cancer and thus tend to observe and even examine their breasts. Most women do self-breast examination in between mammograms. Because of this increased awareness, women presenting with locally advanced breast cancer are quite rare in the industrialized nations.
In some women breast cancer may have spread to distant organs, before mammography screening or symptoms showed the breast cancer. This can happen because early stage breast cancer does not usually cause any symptoms. If the cancer has spread to other organs these women may present with symptoms related to these organs. For example if the cancer has spread to the bone the woman may develop bone pain or bone fracture.
Diagnosis of breast cancer involves a biopsy procedure. Most often an abnormality in the mammogram leads to a biopsy, many other times, the woman may have felt a lump in the breast or the physician examining the patient may have felt a lump in the breast

source : ezinearticles

Colon Cancer Causes and Risk Factors

You or a family member have been diagnosed with colon cancer and you want to know what caused this cancer. Doctors don't know the exact cause of colon cancer, but they do know that it usually starts as small growths on the inside of the colon called polyps. These polyps can take years to grow large enough to be seen during a routine colonoscopy and then it takes several more years for those polyps to become cancerous.

While the exact cause of colon cancer is unknown, there are several risk factors that can increase your chances of developing this cancer. A risk factor is something that can raise the chances of you developing cancer or another disease. Some risk factors, such as age, cannot be changed while others, such as diet, can be modified and reduce the risk. The risk factors for colon cancer range from age to hereditary diseases.

The first risk factor for colon cancer is the most common. It is your age. Approximately 90% of all colon cancer cases are found in people over the age of 50. Many of these cases have no other risk factors, making this the most important factor in developing this cancer. This is why many doctors suggest getting a colonoscopy as part of your annual exam starting at age 50.

Another risk factor for developing colon cancer is your family's medical history and any hereditary diseases that may affect the development of colon polyps. If a member of your immediate family (parents, siblings, or children) has had colon cancer, you are more likely to develop it. The risk depends upon how many relatives have had it, how old they were when they were diagnosed and if the history spans multiple generations. This is referred to as a strong family history of colon cancer and may be caused by genetic mutations. These mutations are more common in certain ethnic groups, such as Jews of Eastern European heritage. If this is your case, you may want to have a blood test to check for any genetic mutations.

These genetic changes can cause several conditions, such as familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis (AFAP) and hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer (HNPCC). All of these genetic conditions can develop into colon cancer, if left untreated. These conditions are rare and few of the people diagnosed with colon cancer actually have them.

Your medical history also contributes to your risk of developing colon cancer. Your risk is higher if you have had any cancer in the past. Large polyps, even after removal, can increase your chances of developing colon cancer. There are also certain diseases that can increase your risk of colon cancer, such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease.

The final - and easiest to change - risk factors are diet, exercise and habits. A high fat, high calorie and high protein diet has been shown to increase the chances of you developing colon cancer. This type of diet may also contribute to another risk factor, weight. Lack of exercise also contributes to your risk. You can minimize these three risk factors by making some simple changes such as eating more fruits and vegetables and beginning exercise. These two changes will help you lose weight and improve your diet. Smoking and drinking also contribute to colon cancer risk. Some studies have shown that smoking increases your chance of developing colon cancer. Alcoholics are also at an increased risk for colon cancer because of their alcohol consumption. Studies have shown that drinking more than 2 drinks a day increases the risk of colon cancer.

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Colon Cancer: Are You At Risk?

Colon cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers for both men and women in the Untied States. It is important that you understand your risk for developing this disease, as well as lifestyle changes you can make now to reduce your chances of falling victim to colon cancer.
Cancer of the large intestine, or colon, typically begins as small clumps of cells called adenomatous polyps. Often, these small polyps form in your colon and produce few, if any, symptoms. If they are not removed, they may eventually become cancerous. This is why physicians recommend routine screening to identify and remove polyps before they become a problem.
One of the best ways to prevent death from colon cancer is to have regular screenings. Because more than 90% of all colorectal cancers are found in people who are 50 and older, the American Cancer Society recommends that you start getting routine colon screenings at age 50. If you have a family history of this disease, your physician may recommend that you start screening earlier.
Three of the most common screenings for colon cancer include a stool test, flexible sigmoidoscopy, and colonoscopy. Your physician will make recommendations for how often you should have these tests administered.
Aside from age, there are some other risk factors that may make you more susceptible to developing colon cancer. Some of these factors include:
  • Race
  • African-Americans have a higher risk for developing this disease than people of other races
  • Family history
  • Parents, siblings, and children of a person diagnosed with colon cancer are at a higher risk than the average person of developing the disease themselves.
  • Personal history of polyps or cancer
  • Inflammatory intestinal conditions
  • Two of the most common conditions are ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease
  • High fat, low fiber diet
  • Obesity
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Heavy use of alcohol
While some of these risk factors, like race and age, cannot be changed, there are some lifestyle alterations that you can make to reduce your chance of developing this type of cancer. Keep in mind that just because you have one or more of these risks, it does not mean you will develop colon cancer. You should talk with your physician about these risk factors so that he or she can provide adequate screening and give you suggestions for a healthy lifestyle.
Many people exhibit few, if any, symptoms of colon cancer in the early stages of the disease. As it progresses, patients may notice unexplained weight loss, persistent abdominal discomfort, a change in their bowel habits, rectal bleeding, blood in their stool, weakness, or excessive fatigue. The only way to truly know if you have colon cancer is through screenings and tests administered by your physician.
The good news is that colorectal cancer is often highly treatable. The key to survival is identifying and removing polyps early, before they turn into cancer. Those patients, whose cancer is discovered early, before it has spread, have a very high 5-year survival rate. With more awareness about colon cancer screenings, the death rate from this disease continues to decline.

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Breast Cancer Treatment Options

Over the past decade there has been advancements in many of the treatments 
available for Breast Cancer. Through constant research we have come a long way from the limited treatment options available in the past. The top treatment choices available today are surgery, radiation, hormonal treatment (anti-estrogen based) and chemotherapy. These 4 regimins are often used in conjunction with each other or adjuvantly. If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer and are offered a choice of treatments from this wide array it can be very confusing. We all know we want what is best for us but sometimes with the many options available how can one be sure?

We will try to provide you with an overview of the treatments available and how they relate to the stage of cancer you might have. Use this information to educate yourself so when it comes time for you and your doctor to make a decision you will know the facts on hand.

There are 3 General Types of Treatment Categories Available Today:
Local Treatment (Regional Treatment) - this type of treatment is localized to the  breast and local lymphatics only or adjacent lymphatics to where the tumor was located.

Systemic Treatments - treat the whole body and are usually reserved for the prevention of spread (metastases) or directy to target spread that has occurred.

Alternative Therapy - these are considered holistic therapy and can be helpful but have never been proven to cure. 
We will pay close attention to Local and Systemic treatments as the choices available to cure breast cancer.

Surgery: surgery has been the number one treatment option available for breast cancer for well over the past century. Today unlike surgery in the past the surgeons can precisely target the area consisting of the tumor and surrounding tissue and remove only what is necessary and leaving a considerable amount of breast tissue in tact. These new methods have come a long way from the days of the radical mastecomy where patients where often left deformed for life. And even the newer techniques available for a mastecomy today are alot less drastic than they where say 30 years ago.

Today most surgery done for breast cancer is considered breast-conserving therapy or what is commonly called a lumpectomy. A lumpectomy is where only the tumor is removed and then once this has been done the patient will undergo a series of weeks of Radiation treatments to cleanse the surrounding tissue and prevent recurrence.The mastectomy is still available as a treatment options and this is basically where 

all of the breast tissue is removed down to and sometimes including the chestwall muscles. Radiation is also performed to cleanse the affected area after a mastectomy in alot of cases.

Radiation Therapy: radiation therapy consists of the use of high powered X or gamma rays that precisely target the area that is being treated. These X or Gamma rays are very effective in destroying the cancer cells that might recur where the tumor was removed. 

The use of radiation therapy for breast cancer is usually given after surgery has been performed and the purpose of the radiation is to reduce the change that the cancer will recur. Radiation reduces the risk of recurrence of breast cancer consdirably.

Hormone Therapy: some breast cancers are hormone-receptor positive. This means that the cancer will grow and spread if the hormone estrogen is present. If this is found to be the case with your type of breast cancer then the us of anti-estrogen hormone therapy will probably be used to lower the levels of estrogen in your body which in turn will prevent the cancer cells from beign stimulated and growing or spreading to other parts of the body Tamoxifen has been used for years as a anti-estrogen hormone therapy drug with breast cancer. In 2005 clinical trials from all of the world provided information saying that aromatase inhibitors worked alot better than Tamoxifen in post menopausal woman with hormone-receptor positive breast cancer. Now this was only in post-menopausal woman and Tamoxifen is still the drug of choice for pre- menopausal woman.

Chemotherapy: in some breast cancers the risk over spread (metastases) is greater than in others. Remember everybody is different and everybody's cancer will be different. If involvement of the lymph nodes is found,tumor size is great enough, or a higher grade is found your oncologist might suggest chemotherapy alone with other 
treatments including surgery and radiation

source : ezinearticles

Breast Cancer Myths

Breast Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women, yet, did you know that men can also be affected by it? It is not solely a disease that women can get, although it is less likely, men are still at risk as well. This fact may startle some, and many individuals still hold onto various myths pertaining to such a disease. Let's work on dispelling some of those myths.

As mentioned above, the first myth pertaining to this disease is that it only affects women. This, of course, is not at all true. In fact, men also get it, although it occurs less frequently. Actually, about one percent of all breast cancer occurs in male patients. Further, it is even more dangerous for men, because men do not typically do self-examinations. Thus, when the cancer is finally detected, it is far more advanced.

Another myth that is associated with this disease is that if one has found a lump during an examination, it is cancer. Again, this is not always the case. In fact, both men and women can develop lumps in their breast tissue for a variety of reasons and only a doctor can determine whether or not a lump is cancerous. Other identified lumps in breast tissue are caused by the formation of cysts, natural fibrocystic changes, fibroadenomas, low grade infections, calcium deposits and minor injuries to breast tissue.

Yet another myth associated with this disease is that it is solely hereditary. Again, nothing could be further from the truth. Actually, although a history of breast cancer in one's family increases the risk that one might get breast cancer, the plain and simple truth is that anyone can develop this disease. Remember, even families that have a family history of breast cancer had to, at one time, experience the unwelcome surprise that one individual in the family got the disease in the first place.

The next myth associated with breast cancer is downright ridiculous. Would you believe, that in this day and age, some individuals still think that breast cancer is contagious? Unlike the common cold or flu, it is not a contagious disease. Thus, it cannot be directly passed from one individual to another through human contact.

Conversely, some individuals foolishly believe that breast size determines whether or not one gets cancer. Again, this is a misconception. Women with smaller breasts are at equal risk of getting the disease and this fact is confirmed in that men, individuals that possess almost no breast tissue, also get the disease. Thus, size has nothing to do with getting breast cancer.

Finally, another myth that is associated with this disease is that it only affects older people. This is not so. Although the chance of getting breast cancer increases with age, women as young as 18 have been diagnosed with the disease. Therefore, no matter what age you are, self examinations are important and should be done on a monthly basis, in conjunction with regular checkups with a physician.

source : ezinearticles

Blueberries May Help Prevent Colon Cancer

Researchers from Rutgers University and the US Department of Agriculture have found that a naturally occurring key compound in blueberries, pterostilbene, may be able to prevent the onset of one of the most virulent and dreaded neoplasms, colon cancer.

Colon cancer, also known as bowel cancer or colorectal cancer, is characterized by growths in the rectum, colon and appendix. Colon cancer is the second leading cause of death from cancer in the Western world and is the third most common form of cancer. Surgery is the most common treatment to remove the growths and is usually followed by chemotherapy.

How was the link between blueberries and colon cancer discovered? The Rutgers University researchers conducted a small study with eighteen rats for an eight week period. The test rats were given azoxymethane (a cancer causing agent) to induce colon cancer and were given a balanced diet, while half of the study rats were given supplemental amounts of pterostilbene. At the end of the study, it was found that the rats who were supplemented with the blueberry compound, pterostilbene, had 57 percent less pre-cancerous cells. They test subjects also showed a lesser degree of inflammation and had reduced cell division in the bowels, both considered risk factors for developing colon cancer.

Pterostilbene is a compound that is believed to exhibit anti-cancer,anti-hypercholesterolemia, anti-diabetic, anti-fungal, anti-hypertriglyceridemia properties. Pterostilbene is also thought to have the ability to fight off and reverse cognitive decline. Pterostilbene also happens to be a natural antioxidant and studies have further suggested that pterostilbene could potentially be helpful in lowering blood cholesterol.

Experts strongly suggest that the risk for colon cancer is increased by overeating, consuming high amounts of saturated fats and calories, and eating a lot of red and processed meat. To reduce this risk, leading health experts and nutritionists suggest eating at least five portions of fruits and vegetables per day to protect the body against all cancers and other diseases, and to obtain natural sources of vitamins and antioxidants. Physical exercise is also thought to decrease the risk of developing colon cancer. Making these recommended lifestyle changes is thought to decrease the risk of colon cancer by up to 70 percent.

Pterostilbene is not only found in blueberries, but can also be found in grapes, red wine, sparkleberries, lingonberries and cranberries. The researchers are suggesting putting this powerful and potential cancer-fighting compound into a pill.

Article Source: ezinearticles

Eating to Avoid Breast Cancer

Breast cancers tend to be seen as a completely feminine affair but the truth is, men too are at risk, albeit very rarely, of developing breast cancer. Despite medical advances several things are still not clear about breast cancer and in most sufferers of this a disease, a clear cause can still not be shown to be responsible for the disease.

Breast cancer is not hereditary, though a family history of breast cancer increases the risk. Certain other factors linked with developing breast cancer include; the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer is increased by being overweight, the use of hormone replacement (HRT) increases the risk, having the last menstrual cycle from the early 50's and older increases the risk, having the first menstrual cycle at a later age and being pregnant at an early age lowers the risk. Although most breast cancers are hormonally related other factors may affect the risk, such as stress, carcinogens, use of stimulants, exposure to pesticides and oral contraceptive.

In its early stages, breast cancer doesn't show any sign and when it does the first sign is usually a painless lump that is found in the breast. When breast cancer becomes more advanced and spreads to other parts of the body then the symptoms could be more obvious depending on the part of the body affected. The symptoms could range from neurological problems, bone pain, weight loss, fatigue and anaemia.

Along with traditional medicine, changing the diet and one's lifestyle can help with breast cancer. Keeping to a vegetarian style diet by reducing animal fats in the diet; eating very little meat and cutting down on dairy products, will help. Only eating organic vegetables and meat (this will reduce the exposure of pesticides and hormones), consuming lots of tomatoes as these are high in lycopene which can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, consuming plenty of olive oil, increasing fiber in the diet, reducing the exposure of soft, fatty or acid foods to soft plastics; not using cling film, buying food that comes in paper, glass or ceramic containers or if food is supplied in a plastic container then removing and storing in a glass or ceramic container in the fridge. Cutting out stimulants such as caffeine, sugar and alcohol, changing one's lifestyle to minimize stress, maybe taking up Yoga and meditation, increasing exercise, cutting out smoking and increasing the consumption of the essential oils Omega 3 and Omega 6 which are found in oily fish, seeds, evening primrose oil, borage oil and flax oil.

Some food materials are known to be anti cancer in action. Increasing the amount of such food in your daily diet regime could go along way to preventing cancer. Such foods include sweet potatoes, carrots, watercress, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, Brussels sprouts, spinach, onions, leeks, garlic, soy products, lemons, mangoes, melon, peppers, pumpkin, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, elderberries, pears, shiitake mushrooms, tomatoes, cabbage, grapefruit, kiwi fruit, oranges, seeds, nuts, squash, tuna, mackerel, salmon, wheat or rice bran, oats, wild rice, rye, apricot, walnuts, beans and the herbs and spices - rosemary, thyme, oregano and turmeric. These vegetable and fruits should be eaten raw and as fresh as possible or lightly steamed so that no goodness is lost. Soybeans and products are extremely good in reducing tumor growth and inducing cancer cells to revert to normal. Soybeans have genistein in them, which is an angiostat (anti-growth compound that prevents cancer from growing by preventing the formation of new blood vessels that aid cancer cells to grow)

source : ezinearticles

New Hope to Prevent Breast Cancer: What Every Woman Needs to Know

In March, 2005, a major nutritional breakthrough in the fight against breast cancer was announced by U.S. scientists. This new information is absolutely critical for every woman looking for a natural way to reduce breast cancer risk.

Researchers at Cornell University found that extracts from ordinary apples "effectively inhibited mammary cancer growth" in laboratory animals. The study concluded that "consumption of apples may be an effective strategy for cancer prevention."

The study, "Apples Prevent Mammary Tumors in Rats," was published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Phytochemicals from apples- known as polyphenols- have previously shown effectiveness against colon, lung, liver and stomach cancer, among others. But this is the first published study showing that apple polyphenols may be even more effective against breast cancer tumors.

Beyond Breast Cancer Prevention?

In the recent study, treatment with apple extracts prevented new tumor formation by up to 44% in animals given the highest amount.

But the most startling finding- and by far the most significant- is this: after 6 months of treatment, the number of existing tumors was reduced by 61%.

This remarkable finding indicates that adequate doses of apple polyphenols may go beyond prevention, and actually reduce existing mammary tumors.

What Can This Mean for You?

The researchers at Cornell believe that apple polyphenols may prevent breast cancer in humans. If this were the only study available, it might be too early to recommend increased doses of apple phytochemicals.

However, there are multiple studies in different types of cancer, showing that apple polyphenols are anti-proliferative, anti-mutagenic, and highly antioxidant. Consistent results have been obtained in studies on skin cancer, lung cancer, and six other types of human cancer cells.

Now, a new study from Cornell shows that apple polyphenols are also anti-metastatic- they seem to prevent cancers from spreading. This is a crucial finding for those at risk for breast cancer, as well as survivors of the disease.

Can I Just Eat More Apples?

In nearly all the available studies, the highest benefit from apple polyphenols comes with the highest intake. The Cornell scientists said the highest benefit was seen in rats eating the "human equivalent" of six apples a day.

There is no question that phytochemicals in apples are good for you. And one way to get more of them is to substantially increase the number of apples in your diet. But there's a problem...

Aside from the difficulty and expense of eating that many apples (42 apples a week), there is another important health issue- pesticides. Apples are one of the "dirtiest" foods in the U.S. when it comes to pesticides.

A Perfect Solution?

If you or someone you love is at risk for breast cancer, you need to know the answers to these three questions:

1. How many different pesticides are lurking in your apples?

2. Does washing the fruit take care of the problem? (This one may shock you.)

3. How can you get these apple phytochemicals with zero risk of pesticides?

Get the answers by clicking the link at the end of this article now

source : ezinearticles

Colon Cancer Survival Rate - Are You A Survivor?

The colon cancer survival rate of a patient may be determined by the type of treatment plan he/she is using. Knowing that colon cancer has about an asymptomatic stage followed by 4 disease stages, we should also know that not all colorectal cancers are detected at the earliest stages. In actuality, the truth behind most cancers is that they are only diagnosed once the symptoms become severe to the point that it has affected the daily livings of the patients. Like what is commonly said-cancer is a traitor disease: it strikes when u least expected it and only makes itself known when you have started experiencing all its crazy bout of symptoms. In most cases, the average detection point of colon cancer is when most of the painful symptoms are experienced because this is the time when patients seek medical advice and check up to diagnose the disease. Usually, people get help when the cancer is at the 2nd to 3rd stages.

Since this article will tackle about the colon cancer survival rate with the treatment plan as the determinant variable, we will base our colon cancer survival rate from the stages where most patients ask for help - stages 2 and 3. This is also the time when these is a boost of treatments available to try combating the proliferation of cancer.


The most common treatment advised once the cancer has grown enough to appear on medical laboratory tests and confirm diagnosis is to subject the patient to a colostomy or colon surgery. Surgery is considered a crucial part in increasing your colon cancer survival rate. Since the cancer has not yet infected bigger parts of the colon (or parts beyond the colon) at this time, your five-year colon cancer survival rate is around 70-90%. Patients who were able to survive the surgery and began to display acceptance of the post-operative consequences showed a higher and long-term prognosis after surgery. There is also a number of cases where patients were able to return to their normal lifestyle and survive the cancer. However, there is one major downside of this treatment. Since colostomy means your solid intestinal waste will be excreted from no longer out of your anus but will be out of a surgically made hole on your stomach, it can be extremely inconvenient for many patients. Bowel excretion through your stomach is going to be forever, hence, lifetime maintenance is also needed. For many colon cancer sufferers, the consequences of the surgery seem to be more dreadful than the disease itself, therefore a lot of patients would never dare try the surgery.

Chemotherapy is the next treatment of choice for colon cancer (and probably as well as for most cancers). It is done by the use of medications to destroy or stop the proliferation of the cancer cells in hopes of prolonging your life. Often, after surgery, a patient may also be subjected to a series of chemotherapy to kill the remaining microscopic cancer cells. Recent studies have shown that with the surgery and chemotherapy combined, there is delay of tumor recurrence therefore increasing your colon cancer survival rate as well (average percentage is around 90%). The effect may not be as substantial if the patient will only rely on chemotherapeutic drugs (average percentage of 60-80%).

Radiation Therapy

Updates have been made in the treatment of colorectal cancer and radiation therapy is now limited to patients whose origin of cancer has started at the rectal part of the colon. Without radiation, there is about 50% risk percentage for patients with rectal cancer, making your colon cancer survival rate a dire 50% as well. Risk is then lowered for 7-10% for patients who had surgery and undergone radiation therapy as well.

Article Source: ezinearticles

Tips on Spotting Colorectal Symptoms

Spotting colorectal cancer symptoms early is vital to the prognosis of the condition. In cancer, getting early treatment is very important. If the cancer has been spotted on time, measures might be taken to eradicate the cancer cells from your body. During the first stages of cancer development, your doctor might opt for surgery. This way, they would be able to remove the cancer cells from the body without harming your normal ones. Late stages of cancer would require chemotherapy and radiation therapy. This type of treatment would not only kill your cancer cells but would also affect your normal cells.

The symptoms of colorectal cancer usually depend on the location and the size of the mass. However, most of them are pretty much the same. So, how do we spot the symptoms of colorectal cancer? Here are the most common manifestations of the condition:

• Changes in bowel movements. Different people manifest different signs. For some, their stools are looser than usual. For others, they frequently experience constipation. There are also some that have reported not being able to defecate at all. Not being able to defecate for several days is what usually prompts them to go see a doctor.

• Bleeding. Bleeding is almost always a common symptom of cancer. This could be due to a variety of reasons. One would be because the tumor has swelled to a certain size and has ruptured certain capillaries or veins, thus causing the bleeding. Another would be that the tumor itself has ruptured. Bleeding in cancer may not always be evident. There would be times that you would really be able to see fresh blood but, more often than not, the bleeding might go undetected. Black stools are great indicators of intestinal bleeding. The black color of the stools comes from the mixture or blood with fecal matter.

• Narrow stools. Some medical practitioners refer to this as ribbon-like stools. This could be caused by the narrowing of your colon or rectal passageway. This narrowing is caused by the tumor growth in your intestines. Your stool would not be able to pass through properly, thus the change in their appearance. So, when do you get alarmed? If you observe that your stools start looking like pencils, or you start to notice that your stools look more different than usual, consult your doctor immediately. Do not wait for your symptoms to worsen.

• The feeling of wanting to defecate again after just defecating could be caused by a growth in your bowels. The feeling is caused by the mass bumping into the opposite intestinal wall. Your bowels' messages to your brain would cause you to think that this is fecal matter, and you would try to push it out.

These four manifestations would be the most common symptoms felt by a patient that is suspected to have colorectal cancer. When you notice that you are exhibiting these symptoms, consult your doctor immediately. This way, he would be able to recommend some laboratory tests so that he could make an accurate colon cancer diagnosis.

Article Source: ezinearticles

Breast Cancer Tips As Part Of Stress Management Solutions

During recent times, when my life was really full of stress, I had a routine breast scan which showed an abnormality.

I was actually lucky - but that comes later.

At the time, as I've described to you on my website,I was dealing with terminal illness in my Dad, unemployment in my husband, a house move and a rebellious, debt ridden child.

Just the time for a breast cancer scare then!

As I went off for the follow up scan I was quite surprisingly angry. I begrudged the time spent on checking up on my breast, I thought it was a really inappropriate time for this to happen ( like when is there ever an appropriate time!) and I just wanted to get on with sorting out the chaos which was my life at that time.

This strange reaction actually helped me. I wasn't particularly nervous about the scan and when I met the staff they were helpful, kind and supportive.

Instead of this scare being top of my stress list it was actually quite a way down it - and that really helped.

Luckily for me the results came through as negative and all was OK. But it did make me focus on just how important it is to show our breasts some TLC. I've put together some helpful tips which can easily be followed.

Touch your breasts - do you feel anything even slightly unusual?

Look for changes - be especially aware of shape and texture

Check with your doctor if you find anything you are worried about

Ask your friends if you are worried

Here are some more detailed changes you need to look out for.

Size or shape - one breast may become larger or lower than the other

Skin texture - is there any dimpling or puckering?

Nipples - have they changed - does one turn in now? does one look different?

Discharge - is there a blood stained discharge to one or both nipple? - Go to your doctor immediately

Rash - is there a rash or crusting around the nipple?

Lumps - is there a lump in the breast or armpit area? Whatever the size, even tiny, get it checked

After a period - is there still a thickening or lumpy area of the breast tissue?

Pain - is there pain in part of the breast or armpit that is unrelated to periods?

Being breast aware is vital to your future health.

Nearly 80% of all breast cancers are detected by women who report changes to their doctor.

Being breast aware is crucial for early diagnosis and treatment

source : ezinearticles

Are You Afraid to Get A Colonoscopy?

I'm 26 years old and I had to have my first colonoscopy done a few months back. My grandmother had and lost her battle against colon cancer. Of course this made me scared of what they may find but I found the American Cancer Society website useful to help calm down my nerves.

The only thing that you should really dread, if any, is the prep process. The prep time consists of drinking medicines that will help clean out your system. Of course you will not be able to have anything to eat or drink that is solid or has any type of flavor, unless you like broth and jell-o as long as it is not red. You will then spend pretty much all day in the bathroom. While I was prepping I came up with a few ideas to help make the prep time more productive.

Make sure you bring in a book or magazine, move your TV into your bathroom if you have space, use your laptop to play games on the internet or instant message your friends and see if they can guess what you are doing, play a hand-held videogame, if you are a female, paint your toe/ finger nails and wax/ shave your legs and one thing you need to always remember is to MAKE SURE YOU TAKE YOUR PHONE INTO THE BATHROOM. You never know when the moment will hit when you have to "go". After all, it always seems that people call you whenever you are in the bathroom. I hope this will help you with making the prep time a bit easier to deal with.

Article Source: ezinearticles

Colon Cancer and the Nature of Human Being

Thean (not real name) was 86 years old when he was diagnosed with recto-sigmoid cancer in October 1999. There was no evidence of metastatic spread. Due to his age, Thean declined medical interventions. So he did not receive the standard medical package of surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Six month after the diagnosis Thean's daughter came to seek our help on 2 April 2000. Thean had rashes probably due to the side effects of the antibiotics that he was taking, otherwise he was a normal, healthy person. Thean was prescribed Capsule A, C-tea and GI-tea.

After this first visit, I did not have any further records about him or his progress. However, his daughter came to our centre once in a while, to pick up herbs for her father. Seven years later, on 6 May 2007, I met the daughter who came to our centre to pick more herbs. I was told that in late April 2007, Thean had blood in his stools. He was sent to a private hospital where he stayed for two days undergoing medical examinations. At his age of 93, he declined medical interventions and was sent home.

Thean is an independent man who cherished his freedom. He insisted on living on his own, in spite of his advanced age. Since his wife passed away he has been living by himself in his own home, refusing to move and live with his son's family.

When asked what the doctor said about his condition, the daughter's reply was: "I don't know." I asked if Thean has been taking herbs. She did not think that he has been taking them anymore. At best, Thean only took Capsule A. In view of the deterioration of Thean's condition, I suggested that Thean take Capsule A, GI-One and GI-Two Teas. Her answer to me was: "I need to ask the son first (i.e., her brother first) if he is willing to boil the herbs for him or not." The daughter does not live in the same town as Thean and does not know much about what is going on. Her responsibility is to come and buy the Capsule A and pass it on to her brother's family. On the other hand, the son's family who lives in the same town as Thean has the responsibility to see the old man lives a normal life in his own home. I requested that the son bring me the medical report.

I was told that Thean has nine children and the one who comes to collect the herbs regularly is the first daughter in the family.

Comments: This is a straightforward medical case history. Medically, it is interesting in that even without medical treatment the patient survived his recto-sigmoid cancer. He had already lived for seven years with the help of the herbs, without any medical intervention. It is interesting to note too that Thean's nephew is a medical doctor and it was he who asked Thean's family to seek our help. CA Care is known to have helped many patients with cancer using herbs. Many people who know and want another option often come to us. From the "rational and traditional" viewpoints of patients in Malaysia, the options available to Thean at this point in time (then aged 86 and now 93) is a choice between the "devil or the deep blue sea". The result obtained from this herbal therapy is indeed amazing. And even with a recurrence Thean is not about to give up yet. If he decides to take the herbs diligently we predict that Thean can still live on.

Another facet of his case is about the nature of human being. Though Thean has nine children, most of them have moved away from his home and found their own priorities in life. Thean ended up a lone, independent and stubborn (that is what the daughter described him) old man fighting a battle against cancer. I don't know if this is a sad case or not. I would love to imagine that as we grow old, we would be surrounded by many loving children, grand children and great grandchildren. With them around us, our battle against illness is made easier.

Unlike the cultures of the modern world, to us Orientals, filial piety is our way of life or lifeblood. It is expected of all children to respect, honour and to take care of the parents and elders in old age. I am reminded of a Chinese saying: "A mother can feed, care and educate ten children, but ten children cannot take care of one mother." Now, I wonder if the norm has become obsolete or we have outlived such era.

Article Source: ezinearticles

Breast Cancer Screening and Prevention

Breast cancer is the second most common cancer women face second only to lung cancer, however it is the most feared cancer or disease for most women. It occurs in about 12% of women who will live to the age of 90. Several well established factors increase the risk of breast cancer and they include family history, nulliparity (not having had children), early menarche (starting menstrual cycles early), advanced age and a personal history of breast cancer. Other risks include exposure to environmental toxins such as tobacco smoke that increase the chance for cancer growth. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The American Cancer Society has many activities this month to bring this to the public attention.

Early education on self-breast exam and early screening is extremely important in achieving good outcomes. Self-exam and physician examination will detect cancer at a rate between 70 – 80%. Adding screening mammography (mammograms) will increase detection to 96 – 98%. It has been shown that early detection through clinical exam and mammography can reduce breast carcinoma mortality by 20 to 30%. Today’s gold standard for screening (mammograms) will still miss between 10 and 15% of neoplasm.

Therefore, if a clinically noted mass is followed by a negative mammogram the work up should then include a breast ultrasound and/or a fine needle aspiration cytology and close interval examinations. The modality of Magnetic Resonance Imagining (MRI) is a method of examining the breasts that is far more sensitive in picking up smaller tumor than Mammogram. MRI is widely used in Europe but has not taken on in the US yet. It is more expensive as a screening tool in the USA, but since it is so widely used in Europe it is actually less expensive there. Even with open biopsies of suspicious masses the diagnosis of a malignancy is one in about five biopsies performed. This may seem costly but the morbidity and mortality of missing a malignancy is even more so.

Screening should start with a baseline mammogram at age 35, or younger if there is a strong family history. Annual examinations should be performed once a woman reached 40 years of age, and self examination should be encouraged monthly starting at the age of twenty. Disease prevention & early screenings is the mainstay of a preventive medical practice despite the somewhat conservative recommendations made by medical specialty societies and the managed care industry. Oftentimes the risk-benefit ratio for cancer screening has the dollar as it’s bottom line, but if you are the unfortunate patient to have a cancer that was not detected early, then all the statistics in the world will not matter to you. My philosophy is to pay a little more in time and money upfront to assure a disease free state.

An important thing for women to remember is a positive family history alone increased lifetime risk of cancer to about 25%, that is double the incidence of no such history. Recently the interest has focused on cancers associated with germ line (inherited) genetic mutations. While approximately 5 – 10% of all breast cancer sufferers have a mutation in BRCA1 gene (located on chromosome 17) and BRCA2 gene (located on chromosome 13), this type of screening should only be done when a first degree relative with know cancer and a positive mutation is detected or whether a women falls into a certain ethnic group. Women who have inherited a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation have a relatively high lifetime risk of breast cancer (about 50-85%). Risk for cancer in the opposite breast of a woman with a BRCA1 mutation is about 25%. In such cases genetic screening may be advocated. Once a tumor is detected important prognostic determiners as stage of the disease, histology and nuclear grade, estrogen and progesterone receptor status and HER2/neu gene amplification tests are advisable.

For more information on Breast Cancer the following websites are helpful: [] and Also a call to the American Cancer Society at (800) ACS-2345 can be of help. To conclude, it is extremely important for women to maintain annual physical exams and aggressive cancer screening regiments. There are means to help prevent cancer in those women who seem predisposed. Screening is one thing, but taking measures to help prevent cancer growth is yet another. There are things women do on a daily basis that can increase their chances for breast cancer (and other cancers) that they are not aware. The programs advocated at my center are based on lifestyle modification, prevention, early detection, natural hormone replacement and nutritional medicine. Women should take a proactive approach to the breast cancer issue, for it may save their lives. This topic is one that is close to my heart, as my ex-wife is a breast cancer survivor.

Breast Cancer Screening and Prevention

By JP Saleeby, MD

source : ezinearticles

Antiperspirants And Breast Cancer

Most underarm antiperspirants contain as the active ingredient, Aluminium Chlorohydrate, as you will probably remember there has been controversy about Aluminium, since the 1950's when it was a popular metal used for making cooking pots, Saucepans and Fry Pans and that it could be one of the contributing factors to Alzheimer's, now we have another problem that could also be related to Aluminium, Breast Cancer.

Research shows that one of the leading causes of Breast Cancer could be the use of antiperspirants. The human body has a number of areas, that it uses to purge Toxins from the body, these are, behind the knees, behind the ears, the groin area, and the armpits. The toxins are purged from the body in the form of perspiration and antiperspirant as the name clearly suggests prevents you from perspiring, thereby inhibiting the body from purging Toxins from the armpit area.

These Toxin do not just disappear, Instead, the body deposits them in the Lymph Nodes below the arms, since it is unable to sweat them out. A concentration of Toxins then builds up in the areas such as the armpits, which can then lead to cell mutations, which is cancer.

It cannot be ignored, that nearly all Breast Cancer Tumors occur in the upper outer quadrant of the breast area, this is where the Lymph Nodes are located. Men are less likely (but not totally exempt) to develop breast cancer prompted by the use of antiperspirants, because the antiperspirant is more likely to be caught in the armpit hair, rather than directly applied to the skin, but ladies, who shave their armpits, increase the risk by causing imperceptable nicks in the skin, which allow the chemicals to enter easily into the body through the armpits.

This article is aimed mainly at ladies, but please be aware that there are a few antiperspirants on the market that are made from natural products, but basically they would still trap the Toxins in the same areas. The best solution is to use deodorants, rather than antiperspirants, also please remember that the Eight Essential Sugars in Glyconutrients can also help to fight off Toxins.

There is a lot of controversy about this article, the medical profession scoff at the idea, and so do big business, but then again there are huge numbers of people that scoff at the problems associated with Fluoride in drinking water. You can make up your own mind on whether there is someting in this article or not, I know that if I was a lady, I would keep clear of Antiperspirants. I realise that Doctors everywhere, do a marvelous job, and they are appreciated, but they are reluctant to look at the bigger picture, also please remember that the fourth largest killer of people in the western world is prescription drugs.

source : ezinearticles

Who Is at Risk of Developing Colon Cancer?


When pondering the top culprits that contribute to the most deaths occurring from cancer, rarely does one consider the colon. Though in all actuality colorectal cancer is the third most common a
cause of cancer related deths in the United States with nearly 50,000 per year. This is a staggering number but, fortunately, it has decreased dramatically over the years (2002 had almost 150,000 deaths due to colorectal cancer), and with public awareness and early screening chances of survival are encouraging.

Who is at risk of developing colon cancer and what can help to prevent it?

Although colon cancer can strike anyone, there are certain ethnic groups, genetic factors, and lifestyle behaviors that do increase one's risk for colon cancer. Some of them can be prevented, and some can't, but what is important is being educated and open with your doctor to keep your risk as low as possible.


African Americans have the highest incidence of colorectal cancer in the United States. Jews of Eastern European decent have the highest frequency of colorectal cancer in the world. The reason for this is unknown.


Since 9 out of 10 people who develop cancer-causing polyps do so after the age of 50, this is current recommended age to have a first colonoscopy. There is a certain genetic condition, which predisposes a person to excessive polyps and an extremely high risk for cancer. These individuals should begin being screened at puberty.


If you have had a previous screening, which was positive for polyps, then you should be screened more often. Your Gastroenterologist will determine how often this should be done. Individuals who suffer from IBD can have an increased risk of developing abnormal cells in the tissue of the colon. These abnormal cells can lead to a higher risk of cancer.


Statistics show that incidents are higher if a first-degree family member has had colorectal cancer or precancerous polyps, but studies fail to show whether this is a genetic link, or possible similarities in lifestyle and environmental factors.


A number of health issues and lifestyle choices have been strongly linked to one's risk of colorectal cancer. Certain comorbidities, such as diabetes, have been linked to colorectal cancer, as well as, lifestyle choices that can be controlled, some being:

    Heavy alcohol use
    Diets high in saturated fats
    Inactivity/lack of physical activity

It is important to let your doctor know if you have any symptoms that could indicate a problem, such as, blood in the stool, changes in your usual bowel movements, or any sudden weight loss. These are just some of the risk factors associated with colorectal cancer. Some can be controlled, while others must be monitored. Either way it is important to follow what guidelines your doctor recommends. Although colorectal is one of the most common cancers, it is also one of the easiest to prevent and, when caught soon enough, treat.

Article Source: ezinearticles

Breast Cancer The Cure

You have my permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.

Breast Cancer The Cure

There is no known cure for breast cancer. More than 1.5 million people will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year worldwide. Scientists don't know why most women get breast cancer, yet breast cancer is the most frequent tumor found in women the world over. A woman who dies of breast cancer is robbed of an average of nearly 20 years of her life. Breast cancer knows no social boundaries. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. Some prominent women who’s lives that have been touched by breast cancer include Jill Eikenberry actress age 52; Peggy Fleming age 49 figure skater; Kate Jackson age 50 (Charlies Angels); Olivia Newton-John age 50 actress singer; Nancy Reagan age 77 former first lady; Melissa Etheridge age 43 singer; and the beautiful Suzanne Summers actress. These high rates of breast cancer are not acceptable to the women of the world and must be met with scientific research that provides results.

Despite over a decade of research, and more than $1.7 billion spent, hundereds of women worldwide are dying from breast cancer every day. Yet doctors don’t know how breast cancer starts or how to cure it. Doctors are still approaching treatment for breast cancer in the same old fashioned ways: surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Barbarick treatments…And scientists keep doing the same old redundant research that’s simply not working. It doesn’t have to be that way. Gen Cells Cures is a scientific biotechnology company that is focused on a cure for breast cancer. The company is dedicated to curing breast cancer before it’s too late for you. We’re not interested in a cure in five, ten, or twenty years from now. We want your cure for breast cancer within a year or two. We don’t want you to have to under go surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or take toxic drugs.

Why Gen Cells Cures? You can search the medical journals; you can search the internet until your blue in the face. You will find the same old news which is no new news about breast cancer research and treatments. Breast cancer research is locked up in a black whole. Gen Cells Cures is approaching the cure for breast cancer from different angles and using tomorrow’s scientific technologies today. Our expertise is in stem cell research and genomics. Malfunctioning stem cells have already been linked to the development of breast cancer. We’re not talking about using generic stem cells from an egg and sperm cell. There is no genetic match for you with the politically controversial generic stem cells that are always in the news. The isolation of cancer stem cells, coupled with our understanding of genetic mutations causing cancer, and our knowledge of genomics will result in ways to eliminate cancer cells while sparing normal breast tissues.

Genetics and Breast Cancer

People will tell you to accept what you can’t change…Your genetics, your genes, the genes your mother and father handed you when you were born that came with their particular genetic make-up. Most inherited cases of breast cancer have been associated with two genes: BRCA1 and BRCA2. The past five years has been a period of unparalleled discovery in the field of genetics, genomics, and stem cell research, but these discoveries are not being applied to breast cancer treatments. A job that Gen Cells Cures definitely wants to get our hands dirty in. Recently researchers have found that by blocking a gene called beta1-integrin the growth of tumor cells can be stopped. When this gene was removed the tumor cells quit growing. You don’t have to accept the genes that you were given at birth. Gen Cells Cures will be able to manipulate your genes to cure your breast cancer.

Our Cancer Stem Cell and Genomics Program will bring together the top scientific minds in the world under one tin roof to maximize the use of diverse approaches to the understanding of cancer genomics fused with stem cell solutions. Gen Cells Cures isn’t looking for a multi-million dollar biomedical research center like the Stowers Institute in Kansas City, which is a medical center to be admired. A rented tin shack will do just fine. Of course, we would accept hand-me down michroscopes from the Stoweres (billionaires who bought their own multi-million dollar biomedical research center) if they would be gracious enough to grant them to us or we would accept a small prime the pump check to move forward with our research. The Stowerses and all the scientists from the Stowers Institute have an open invitation to visit our lab in the Caribbean. What we are looking for is a cure for breast cancer to stop the humiliation, pain and suffering this menace to society causes millions of women and thousands of men worldwide, and not a new biomedical center… Every dollar invested with us goes into pure medical research and equipment. The same offer goes out to all the millionaires and especially the billionaires of the world. People that come to mind are: Paul Allen, Bill and Melinda Gates, Jon Huntsman, William and Alice Goodman, Ann Lurie, Jamie and Karen Moyer, Harold C. Simmons, Alfred Mann, Sumner M. Redstone, Michael Milton and the Palm beach billionaires, there are simply too many to mention. The combined wealth of the three Microsoft billionaires alone is more than ten times the amount spent by the U.S. Federal Government on research to fight cancer and other deadly diseases. We know we’re in the wrong business to become billionaires ourselves. This kind of biotechnology has never produced even one billionaire. It’s the cure for breast cancer that we want.

Simply put the cancer research organizations are funding the wrong researchers. It’s time to go outside the normal research channels. Do something different. The same story year after year after year and no cure. These unmotivated researchers just aren’t getting results. Let someone else have a shot at it. It’s time to try something new and different. A different approach. There are races for the cure, golf tournaments for the cure, there are walks for the cure, there are foundations for the cure. These foundations have been funding the same ineffective research for more than twenty years now. These foundations have been betting on the wrong horse. Joining the crusade won’t help if the research being done doesn’t take on a twenty-first century scientific approach. It’s been time to move forward scientifically for five years now. But today’s breast cancer researchers are stuck in a twentieth century mind-set. The Excuse is someday we’ll find the cure, but someday doesn’t help today’s victims of breast cancer. We need top notch scientific action today.

The genetics are out of the bottle and stem cell research is moving forward whether the U.S. government likes it or not. Gen Cells Cures has moved off-shore to the Caribbean to avoid the political controversy over stem cell research. I am sure you won’t mind a walk on the beach with me to talk about your cure for your breast cancer. Once we have the cure we can take the cure from the bench to the patient without a long and costly wait for FDA approval. There are many advantages to not having big brother breathing down your neck. The governments of the United States and Western countries have nothing to offer except road blocks, red tape and detours. Our patients don’t have time for political smoke and mirrors. With a little luck we could have your cure before the time comes that you need that dreaded surgery and chemo.

Our gifted world-class researchers are visionary and have been schooled in winning and have courage, creativity, can-do attitudes, burning desires, unfaltering belief and an obsession that they will be there first. By first we mean years ahead of the other biotechnology companies. Like determined, fighting NASCAR drivers our scientists are living to take the chequered flag of biotech and win the coveted race for the cure for breast cancer.

Focused on breakthrough discoveries, Gen Cells Cures nurtures a culture that encourages high standards of excellence, original thinking, hard work and a willingness to take risks. Our world-renowned scientists believe in themselves and its belief that gets us there. The company will seek to develop a work environment that is results focused and team-orientated. We compete against time. Though we compete intensely we maintain high ethical standards and trust and respect for each other. Quality is the cornerstone of all our activities. We seek the highest quality information, decisions and people. Our success depends on superior scientific innovation. We see the scientific method as a multi-step process which includes designing the right experiment, collecting and analyzing data and rational decision making. It is not subjective or emotional but rather a logical, open and rational process.

Our success comes from one simple fact; we are committed to being a science-based, patient-driven company, driven by that one special breast cancer patient…you.

Gen Cells Cures lost most of our one million dollar start-up money in offshore bank scandal and currency devaluation last year. We are now actively pursuing financial support. Unfortunately, the Gen Cells Cures team is made up of great scientific minds and not great marketers, salesmen, or fund raisers. Yes, we are looking for a millionaire or billionaire without a cause to support our work, but if you are not our wealthy saviour, we welcome any help, be it financial or a donation of your time. The scientific team is on stand-by. What we’re lacking is the funding to go forward. We could use motivated salesmen to sell our research, fund raisers, skilled internet marketers or someone just to pass out flyers or mail out promotional material. We could use help from the media with publicity stories, ads and promotions to get the word out. We are particularly interested in looking for assistance from the billionaires of the world; there are approximately 600 in the world. Billionaires like Sergey Brin and Larry Page (Google billionaires), Rupert Murdoch, Ted Turner, and Oprah Winfrey and others who control the media could get our life-saving message to the world fast. We are also hoping that some of my celebrities friends will come forward and spread their wings to help support our breast cancer research: Steven Seagal, Charlie Sheen, Wesley Snipes, Danny Glover, Erik Estrada, Tom Arnold, Dolph Lundgren, Roger Clinton, Bill Clinton, Usher, Hulk Hogan, Ivana Trump, John Secada, Sylvester Stalone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mike Reno, Richard Branson, Cindy Crawford, Cher, Demi Moore, Michelle Pfeiffer, and other stars that I have had the good fortune of meeting in person and others celebrities that I hope to meet in the future. (Photos of Gerald and the stars can be viewed at his promotional group listed below.) I am waiting to get my photo with Suzanne Summers!

Gen Cells Cure offers more than hope. We can do the job. If you’re going to eradicate cancer you have to have the right people doing the right research. One thing is for sure. We couldn’t do any worse than what the scientists before us have done. Which is virtually nothing! Help us alleviate the pain and suffering. Together, with your help, we can cure breast cancer.

source : ezinearticles