Cancer is The Most Dangerous Diseases

Cancer has become one of the deadly disease in Indonesia. Based on data from 2007health research, cancer ranks to seven. "Or 5.7 percent of the causes of death with a prevalence of 4.3 percent per 1000 people," said Director General of Medical ServicesMinistry of Health Supriyantoro the inauguration of Mochtar Riady Comprehensive Cancer Center (MRCC) Siloam Hospitals Semanggi, Jakarta, Saturday, July 17, 2010.

One of the cancer cells are very deadly and difficult to treat. Supriyantoro described10 of cancer of major concern in Indonesia, namelycervical,breastnashopharingcolorectalLungspediatricleukemialiverbrainand prostate.These diseases should be treated with special equipment and expert doctors.

Therefore, the presence of this MRCCC hospitalsaid Supriyantorothe government has been helpful in providing cancer patients in Indonesia"MRCC Siloam HospitalSemanggi expected to be a private pilot specialized hospitals that can help the government program in the field of cancer prevention," he said.

Generally, the number of cancer patients in Indonesia who went abroad quite a lotDue to lack of adequate facilities and a specialist in chargeSo that the amount of foreign exchange for many countries is wasted.

"The existence of sophisticated medical equipment in MRCCC also an opportunity toprove that doctors are experts in Indonesia is also capable of operationalizing well,"

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