How Oily Fish Could Help in the Fight Against Bowel Cancer

Researchers at St George's Hospital in London have discovered that the Omega 3s found in oily fish could help prevent bowel cancer.

The participants had all suffered from polyps in the bowel, which can turn cancerous if not removed, so these people were prone to developing bowel cancer.

Our bodies are continuously renewing cells - they grow and die.

In a normal person, one cell dies and is replaced by another cell the same, but it's been discovered that in a patient who has polyps, their cells are produced at a faster rate than they die. This results in too many cells and so a polyp is formed where cells grow on top of each other.

30 patients who had had bowel polyps took part in a 3 month trial. Samples of the colon lining were taken and examined at the start.

They were randomly given Omega 3 oil capsules or no treatment and then at the end of the trial, further samples were taken.

In the group who had taken the oil, it was found that their cell generation rate had fallen by nearly 25% - so they were producing a lot less cells in their bowel.

The rate at which cells had died had increased by over 100% - resulting in less cells again.

The levels of the fatty acids in the cells were doubled -indicating that the Omega 3s play a part in cell regeneration.

Maybe over a period of time, they could return these patients to a normal rate of cell reproduction, thereby eliminating the risk of polyps forming and preventing that specific type of bowel cancer developing.

Two further trials are being planned. The first is to measure the levels of the fatty acids and cell production and death after 6 months, which will help to confirm the trial's results and reach a conclusion as to the best dosage,

The second one is even more exciting. This will be on patients who have familial adenomatous polyposis. This is a condition where people are genetically likely to form polyps which would in turn make them more likely to develop bowel cancer.

If these trials prove their original findings, it could mean that one more cancer that threatens us could be prevented.

You are what you eat is an old saying and all research is pointing to the benefits of eating oily fish

Article Source: ezinearticles

What Are the Treatments of Prostate Cancer?

Surgical castration by orchidectomy

Surgical castration is the simplest and cheapest way to treat metastatic prostate cancer. The obvious disadvantage is the psychological effect of the loss of the testicles.


LHRH-analogues and oestrogen achieve a "medical castration" by stopping the testicular production of testosterone. LHRH-analogues are injections that have to be given monthly or three monthly for the rest of the patient's life. They are effective but very expensive.


Oestrogen can be taken orally on a daily basis. It has a high incidence of thrombotic complications such as stroke and myocardial infarction.


Anti-androgens oppose the action of testosterone by blocking the androgen receptors. The incidence of erectile dysfunction is less than with surgical or medical orchidectomy because testosterone levels are maintained in the bloodstream. Anti-androgens alone are probably not adequate treatment for metastatic disease. Total androgen blockade by a combination of steroidal anti-androgens and LHRH-analogues or orchidectomy has not been shown to be better than LHRH-analogues or orchidectomy alone. However, non-steroidal anti-androgens yields slightly better results than castration alone.

Locally advanced disease without metastases.

The overall results of treatment of patients with disease beyond the prostate are not good. Some patients with early disease beyond the prostatic capsule, and no evidence of metastases, benefit from radical treatment. The most widely used treatment regimens consist of a combination of radiotherapy and hormonal treatment.

Treatment options for locally advanced and metastatic disease.

· Early hormonal treatment

· Watchful waiting with hormonal treatment once symptoms develop

Disease that has spread to the seminal vesicles and beyond is not real curable.

Prostate cancer is dependent on the male hormone testosterone. 80% of patients will respond to hormonal treatment that deprives the tumor of testosterone. This response usually involves the shrinkage of metastases and symptomatic improvement for the patient. The response to hormonal treatment is not a cure but can last for many years in some patients. The average duration of response is 2 years. Most cancers eventually escape hormonal manipulation. This is referred to as hormone independent disease and is usually followed by death within a few months

source : ezinearticles

Prostate Cancer in the News

On ABC news this week there was a segment on prostate cancer. The first night they talked about the poor survival rate for those who accepted treatment. It was a prospect that would not encourage me even if I did know that odds were worse than playing Russian roulette.

The second night they talked about how for some it made sense to do nothing. That in many cases the cancer grows so slow that it is best to leave it alone, and hope for the best.

Nothing was said about the thousands who have adopted Natural Hygiene in one form or another and been completely healed of Prostate Cancer.

When you stop causing prostate cancer, like most other diseases, it will simply go away.

Cancer cannot live in an alkaline environment. Removing all animal products, and anything else that would cause an acid condition in the body, puts the body back in control. When the body is in control it can destroy the cancer cells all on its own.

The reason for the poor survival rates, for prostate cancer patients following the medical way to health, is that the drugs destroy the bodies defense systems. Without our defense system at peak efficiency, how can we expect a good outcome?

It makes more sense to build up the bodies defense system so it can do the job God intended, destroy the cancer, and heal the body.

source : ezinearticles

The Truth About Prostate Cancer Warning Signs

Prostate cancer warning signs...

Every man should be concerned about their prostate's health.

Indeed, for men not paying attention to it, it can be deadly as prostate cancer comes second only to lung cancer with respect to cancer-caused deaths for American men...and is near the top for Canadian men as well.

Prostate cancer is also the most common type of cancer for men in the United States. Tens of thousands of new cases are diagnosed yearly.

Although there is most likely a hereditary component to your chances of getting prostate cancer, like many things in life, a lot of it comes down to choices you make, such as taking quality prostate health promoting supplements and eating food for good prostate health.

Prostate cancer warning signs

Although the aforementioned prostate statistics don't seem to be good, the truth of the matter is that if prostate cancer is detected early, treatments are often very successful and chances of surviving are very high.

Therefore, one of the best things you can do other than take the necessary supplement and dietary steps to promote good prostate health is to have what is called a PSA test (prostate specific antigen tests) done every year. It doesn't take long and it's not painful so don't put it off.

The drawback of the PSA test is that it isn't perfect in what it reveals.

Now, what about prostate cancer warning signs?

Well, unfortunately, prostate cancer does not really give off any warning signs.

In addition, another confusing aspect is that most of the possible warning signs, if they appear, are also the same signs for other prostate health problems that are non-cancerous in nature, such as BPH, which is called an enlarged prostate gland.

However, these signs are still worth mentioning.

The following are some potential prostate cancer warning signs or signs of BPH:

    incomplete emptying of the bladder
    difficulty starting urination
    reduced force of the stream
    frequent urination of small amounts
    pain with urination
    ejaculation pain
    blood in the urine

source : eznearticles

Prostate Cancer - What Every Man Needs to Know

What Is Prostate Cancer?

Cancer of the prostrateis one of the most common types of diseases in men, and is often found in elder men and the risk contracting it increases with age. It occurs mostly among the male population of 50 years and above. In PC, cancerous cells are primary formed in the prostate that then gets transferred to other cells through the process of metastasisand then spreads to other parts of your body like bones.

Scientists still do not know the exact cause behind PC. No one knows why some people suffer with prostate cancer while others do not. Clinical researchers and scientists are working hard to find the answer of this basic question. However they are optimistic to come out with a causes report very soon.

There are no definite symptoms that can be easily noticed by the patients. Cancer of the prostate does not show any onerous symptom or sign at the initial stage.

These specific prostate cancer symptoms are given below:

1) Frequent urination.

2) An interrupted or weak urine flow.

3) Trouble while urination.

4) Sensation of pain while ejaculation.

5) Inability to urinate.

6) Burning sensation or pain during urination.

7) Blood in the urine or in the semen.

8) Stiffness or frequent pain in the upper thighs, lower back or hips.

These symptoms are however, not specific for this type of disease. Therefore if you experience any of these symptoms, don't panic- just consult a doctor.

Prostate cancer treatment: Treatment depends upon factors such as the location of the tumor, general health condition of the patient, age of the patient and size of the tumor. This can be treated with help of following treatment methods.

1) Surgical castration by orchidectomy: the cheapest and simplest treatment is orchidectomy. The only disadvantage is a psychological effect of the loss of testicles.

2) PC can be treated with the help of oestrogen hormone and LHRH-analogues. This is a "medical castration." This treatment is very expensive. Oestrogen can be taken orally but oestrogenrtreatment can give rise to thrombotic complications.

3) Hormone therapy can also be used as a cure.

4) The chemical found in black pepper, which causes the tongue to burn, sweat to pour out and eyes to water commonly called as capsaicin is thought to be helpful in prostate cancer cure. US researchers have found that capsaicin can cause human cancer cells to kill themselves.

5) Radiotherapy can also be used for a cure. Radiotherapy just destroys cancerous cells by radiation. The method is absolutely painless. But treatment of prostate cancer with the help of radiotherapy can cause some side effects like impotence and diarrhea.

6) Brachytherapy can also be applied to cure prostate cancer. Here radioactive elements inhibit the growth of prostate cancerous cells.

source : ezinearticles

Selenium May Help to Prevent Prostate Cancer

According to a federally sponsored study, published by a Stanford University urologist, men with abnormally low levels of Selenium in their blood are four to five times more likely to develop prostate cancer. Selenium is a trace element that is supplied in certain foods and supplements.

The study suggests that making a point of eating Selenium-rich foods, such as Brazil nuts and tuna, or taking a Selenium supplement, may help reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Supplementation is especially useful for older men, as Selenium blood content has been found to decrease with patient age.

Although there are no solid statistics regarding exactly how greatly levels of Selenium in the blood are improved by supplementation, the head researcher of this study, James D. Brooks, MD is decidedly optimistic about the subject. He believes that supplementation has the potential to be of great benefit in preventing prostate cancer, but goes on to comment that more precise research is needed in order to discern exact statistics on the extent of those benefits.

Overall, the researchers who conducted this study believe that they have made some very interesting discoveries, and that increasing levels of Selenium in the blood can significantly reduce a patient's risk of developing the most common form of cancer affecting men.

source : ezinearticles

Simple Ways to Prevent Prostate Cancer

We all know that prostate cancer can happen to any male and it is a very common type of cancer. There are ways you can incorporate certain foods into your diet to greatly reduce the chance of getting prostate cancer and it is good to add these types of foods in your regiment anyway. One of the easiest foods to add is fish, this is because fish oils have been found to drastically reduce your risks of getting prostate cancer by as much as eleven percent. Most cultures, which have lots of fish in their diets have extremely low rates of the overall population of prostate cancer.

Selenium appears to also be an easy answer to reducing prostate cancer, you could add a daily supplement vitamin with 200 micrograms to assist you. Vitamin E is also a good idea. Soybean products, soy milk and tofu (yuk) are also good things to add into your diet if and when possible. Tomato sauce is something you should add to your diet and you should be able to do this without too much problem.

Unfortunately we have been seeing an increase in the number of prostate cancer by about 3 % per year in white men; 2.3 per year by black men. The good news is the most men do not die of prostate cancer these days due to good screening, better treatments and early detection.

Some things you should not eat? Well high intakes of fat, meat and dairy products. If you love to cook red meat on the BBQ, you might wish to do that in moderation. Smoking and alcohol did not appear to be bad for prostate cancer, but are risks of other cancers as we all know. There are many other things you can add to your diet that you should be thinking about. Perhaps you should study this subject and think on it now and continue to get yearly checkups because if you do get prostate cancer and it is treated early, you stand a very good chance of coming out in flying colors.

source : ezinearticles

What is Prostate Cancer?

In the U.S. approximately 320,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer. Approximately 1 out of 10 men will develop prostate cancer in his life. One of the misconceptions about prostate cancer is that it’s an “old man’s disease.” The truth is that prostate cancer runs prevalent in men in their forties and fifties. Prostate cancer can also be present for years without causing any symptoms and is often not detected until it is in an advanced stage. It can grow within the prostate at different locations, sometimes escaping collected tissue samples. Worse yet, if the cancer cells leave the prostate they can spread and infect other organ tissues in the body which is not detectable without surgery, and at that time it is usually spread too far to cure.

The treatments itself has its own psychological and physical implications and may be damaging to the reproductive and urinary organs leading to impotence or loss of bladder control. Some treatments involve removing the prostate gland and/or testicles causing an imbalance in the hormone level and can lead to a loss of interest in sex and a sense of self.

What is the Prostate?

The prostate is a sex gland in men that is located in the abdomen below the bladder at the base of the penis in front of the rectum. It is normally about the size of a golf ball and wraps completely around the urethra, or the tube that runs from the bladder through the penis. What it does is manufacture prostatic fluid, an alkaline fluid which regulates the acidity of semen and protects it from the acids in the reproductive tract of the female. It also acts as a pump during the male orgasm forcing semen in the urethra and doubles as a valve directing both urine and sperm. Not vital organ to live but quite a vital organ for “normal” life.

So what is Cancer?

Cancer is a term that doesn’t describe a single disease but a group of diseases. These diseases do share one common trait though of uncontrolled cell growth and division. Cell growth and division are controlled by the DNA in each cell. Just about every cell in you body is in a continuous life and death cycle with new cells replacing the old (only exceptions is within the heart and brain) in a process called cellular replication. Normally, the cells in an adult generate just enough new cells to replace the old cells. Basically when a cell that behaves abnormally and “cancerous” it doesn’t stop replicating itself, causing abnormal growth and tumors. Cancerous cells stop performing their original specialized functions and become parasites in the body, consuming energy normally reserved for the normal cells. Cancer spreads when these cancer cells break away from the tumor and enter the bloodstream or lymphatic system. These cells can lodge themselves in another part of the body and continue to replicate causing new tumor growth. Cancer is defined by the place of origination, so if it originates in the prostate, it is called prostate cancer. If it spreads to other areas it is called metastatic prostate cancer

source : ezinearticles

Skin Cancer the Uncovered Truth

Skin cancer strikes an estimated three million people a year worldwide making it the most common of all types of cancer. We know the main cause of most skin cancer cases and we know how to prevent the vast majority of them. Yet still millions of people across the globe are ignoring the warnings and deliberately putting themselves at risk of developing a disease which can both maim and kill its victims.

The difficulty in tackling many types of cancer lies in the fact that no-one knows the real cause - and that's a major obstacle to prevention. Skin cancer is different. Over exposure to the sun causes most types of skin cancer (both melanoma and non-melanoma) so reducing that exposure and taking sensible precautions are obvious prevention measures.

Thanks to high profile public health campaigns in recent years, most people in the developed world are aware of the danger of damaging ultraviolet rays and know, at least to some degree, what they should be doing to protect themselves. So why do holidaymakers still flock in their droves to fry themselves on sun drenched beaches each year? And why do tens of millions of tanners across the globe expose themselves to the UV rays of artificial sun beds.

One simple answer could be that a tan is still perceived as sexy. A bronzed body has been the ultimate fashion accessory since Coco Chanel arrived back from the south of France with one in the 1920s. But in those days we didn't know the dangers of stripping off intermittently in pursuit of a sun-kissed skin. Now we do.

Many stars of the pop world and silver screen still flaunt a tan as something highly desirable (whereas many dermatologists will tell you a tan is a sign of damaged skin). Sunscreen manufacturers assure us we'll be protected from skin damage if we slap on their expensive high protection lotions (whereas studies have shown that many of these high factor lotions don't live up to the claims of their makers). And many unscrupulous tanning salon owners promote their sun beds as an aid to good health (whereas some skin specialists want them outlawed claiming they cause skin cancer.)

source : ezinearticles

Colon Concern

Colon cancer, clinically called as colorectoral cancer, is the growth and spread of cancerous cells in the colon, rectum, and appendix. These cancerous cells form into tissues, and the mass then turns into a tumor. Tumor in colon cancer arises from the inner wall of the large intestine. If the tumor is benign, it is called polyp. If the tumor is malignant, then it is cancer.

Polyps do not reach the stage of metastasis. If detected and removed early enough, polyps can be prevented from being a threat to life and can be removed through colonoscopy. But if polyps are not removed early on, they eventually evolve into the malignant stage and can be very deadly. When the case is already malignant, the cancer cells are most likely to spread to tissues and other parts of the body, resulting in more damages. Colon cancer cells usually attack the liver and the lungs, and form new tumor growth in them.

Just like in most cancers, the medical field has not yet tracked the main cause of colon cancer. There are only known several factors that increase the risk of developing colon cancer. The most unavoidable of all is the predisposition of genetic structure. People from a family with cancer history are more likely to develop colon cancer, or any cancer at that. Genetics also play a big role in having colon cancer syndromes. First identified genetics-caused syndrome is the familial adenomatous polyposis or FAP. In FAP, affected family members develop countless numbers of colon polyps, starting in the teenage years. Unless the condition is detected and treated (treatment involves removal of the colon) early, a person with FAP is almost a hundred percent sure to develop full-blown colon cancer. The second genetics-caused syndrome is the attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis or AFAP. It is a milder version of FAP, where less than a hundred polyps develop in a person's body. Third is the hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer or HNPCC, where colon polyps develop in the right colon during early ages of 30 to 40. Last known genetics-caused syndrome is the MYH polyposis syndrome where 10-100 polyps occur around the age of 40.

What can further trigger the genetic factor in colon cancer are high-fat diets and unhealthy lifestyles. Studies have shown that a diet high in red meat and low in fresh fruit, vegetables, poultry, and fish increases colorectal cancer risk. However, the link between high-fiber diet and lower risk of colon cancer still needs a lot of proving. Smoking, on the other hand, makes people more susceptible to develop not just lung cancer but colon cancer as well. In one study conducted by the American Cancer Society, it was found out that women smokers have 40% chances of dying from colon cancer than those women who do not smoke. The same goes for men smokers who are at a 30% higher risk level in contrast to men who do not or never smoked. High alcohol intake and physical inactivity are also known elements of lifestyle, increasing the risk of developing colon cancer.

Generally, abnormalities in a person's bowel movement is the major indicator or a possible colon cancer. But more symptoms can exist like fatigue, weight loss, abdominal pain, cramps, or bloating. Conditions such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, diverticulosis, and peptic ulcer may have the same symptoms as that of colon cancer; so clinical diagnosis is necessary to really determine if the condition is colon cancer or not.

Surgery is the most availed treatment for this type of cancer. Tumor surgery has five classifications. First is the surgical treatment for localized tumor. This type of surgery may require full mesorectal excision (anterior resection) or abdominoperineal excision. In the second classification, palliative resection, the primary tumor is being removed to at least mitigate the damages its metastasis might cause. The proximal fecal diversion, the third classification, is for cases where excision is technically difficult to administer. This is done when the tumor has already invaded the surrounding vital structures of the colon. The fourth is the bypass (alternate to fecal diversion) and the last is the open-and-close surgery. The open-and-close surgery is administered in worst cases where the tumor is unresectable and resorting to other options is more harmful than beneficial. Chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and immunotherapy are the post-surgery support therapies being administered to reduce the chances of the cancer recurring.

Article Source: ezinearticles

Skin Cancer is The Most Popular Cancer

We need to get alerted: skin cancer is the most popular cancer. Every year, more than 1,000,000 skin cancer cases are diagnosed and tens of thousands of skin cancer patients die in the U.S. alone. The number of skin cancer exceeds that of all other cancers combined. Among more than 1 million of skin cancer cases, 100,000 are melanoma, the deadliest skin cancer and there is no cure for it.

The skin cancer risk is more serious to the children because they are young and more susceptible, and they expose to more sunlight than adults due to their extensive outdoor activities. Half of the total life time exposure for an individual is received during his childhood. So special care is needed for the children.

Usually, skin cancers come years later after the subjects get exposed to too much sunlight. So just because you do not see a skin cancer right away does not mean you are free of skin cancer risk. So careful protection is the key.

The government health officials are working hard to alert people of the skin cancer risk. They try to have schools to take measures to protect students against excessive exposure to the ultraviolet light.

Both ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B can cause skin cancer, which means some ultraviolet light once thought safe can be dangerous. In the summer, it's advised that people avoid sunlight from 10 a.m through 4 p.m. when the sunlight is strongest and you are likely to get sunburn. Sunburn can be defined as a condition that your skin receives so much sunlight radiation that a skin color change is noticeable. Rules of thumb to avoid sunburn is, if your shadow is shorter than you are, then the sunlight is too strong and you can get sunburn. If you have to go outdoor, wear something protective such as clothes and big wide-trimmed hat to shield as much sunlight as possible. In the hottest day, the sunlight can burn your skin in a couple of minutes or less.

Statistics indicated that people get one or more blister caused by sunlight will have 2 or 3 times higher risk of getting skin cancer than the general population. Both occasional heavy exposure and mild chronic exposure can cause skin cancer.

Also keep in mind that ultraviolet rays exist not just in the summer, or hot days only. In the spring or even winter, you do not feel the heat when exposed to the sunlight, but the ultraviolet rays are there. You can still get sunburn in such cool days. So do not take the sunlight lightly. Other than the sunlight, sun lumps and tanning facility that emit ultraviolet rays can also pose a serious risk of skin cancer.

source : ezinearticles

How Colon Cancer and Retinoic Acid are Interrelated

Progress has been made recently in the search for a treatment to cure colon cancer. On October 6, 2006, The Journal of Biological Chemistry published a study about this and the results were astounding. They found out a particular molecule that is most probably one of the major cause of colon cancer worldwide. This particular molecule is termed as the C-Terminal Binding Protein or (CTBP). The C-Terminal Binding Protein is found in 85% of those diagnosed with colon cancer, this figure is astonishing and it proves beyond doubt that controlling this particular molecule is the answer to most of the cases in colon cancer in humans.

By immobilizing this particular molecule, doctors can stop the mutation that this molecule will brought about in the human gene called adenomatous polyposis coli, by doing this, doctors would prevent their patients from having colon cancer as this mutation is actually the first and foremost step in the development of colon cancer.

The scenario we can see in a human that has healthy cells, the adenomatous polyposis coli gene in humans would actually stop the spread of the C-Terminal Binding Protein by destroying it, therefore controlling the amount of this particular molecule in the body, the problem arises when the adenomatous polyposis coli gene has already mutated because it would no longer be able to control the amount of C-Terminal Binding Protein in the body. If this mutation isn't stopped, the human intestine would not be able to function normally.

One of the results that come from C-Terminal Binding Protein is that it stops the normal procedure in the body that turns the Vitamin A it accumulated that later change into retinoic acid. If the Vitamin A isn't changed into retinoic acid as is the normal procedure, the body would not be able to manufacture normal cells because retinoic acid is actually the ones responsible for the determination of what kinds of cells the body should form and how long these cells will remain in the body.

If the body had retained an unnecessary amount of C-Terminal Binding Protein, it could be dangerous as this could lead to colon cancer. The reason for this is because the body would not be able to produce adequate amount of retinoic acid that it really needs. So when in the mutation in the adenomatous polyposis coli the culprit, the C-Terminal Binding Protein is removed, the result would be the restoration of the normal function in the intestines because the level of manufacturing the retinoic acid that is of utmost importance was made to be back to normal.

But the downside to this otherwise beneficial breakthrough is that the C-Terminal Binding Protein is an unfamiliar agent to stop or remove from the body. Researchers are now studying some drugs that can help the body in stopping the actions of the C-Terminal Binding Protein before it poses a greater threat to the human body.

Understanding the importance of retinoic acid and its role in preventing the mutation of the adenomatous polyposis coli gene in the human body is important. By understanding the functions of our body better we will be able to protect ourselves against colon cancer and also safeguard our over all health.

This particular study is really an essential break through because right now cancer in the colon is one of the cancers that really kills people especially in the United States. This type of cancer is also one of the common types found in the Western World.

Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the AUTHOR'S resource box at the bottom of this article is included and and all links must be Active/Linkable with no syntax changes.

Article Source: ezinearticles

Sunlight for Your Life

All life on the planet and everything in nature is dependent on the sun. Without the sun, there would be no life on the planet. All life is dependent on the sun. Plants convert the sunlight into energy, and all animals need plant life or other animals in order to live. All life in nature is dependent on the sun. We as humans are part of nature. We need sunlight just like everyone else.

Sunlight is essential for your life and health. This often brings up the concern of skin cancer. People are told the sun causes skin cancer and they should wear sunblock to prevent skin cancer. This is a big fat theory of the medical symptom and disease care profession. Skin cancer is on the rise because people are supposedly spending more time in the sun, and this is the supposed "proof" that skin cancer is caused by the sun. Did the experts happen to notice that most cancer is on the rise? Does the sun cause these cancers as well?

Well, my friends, I have a question for you. How many other bad things are on the rise that people are doing? Lots. Just because the sun hits the skin, the powers that be say it means that is the one thing that "causes" skin cancer. They are looking for the one cause and one cure. Remember, there is no one cause of anything. There are only contributing factors.

In my opinion, it is not the sun that contributes to cancer, but being burned by the sun. Most people get no exposure to the sun for months; then they play weekend warrior and go out in the sun all weekend, often getting burned. My inner knowing tells me it is this burning that is a major contributing factor to skin cancer, not the actual sun exposure.

So if you do not build up to being in the sunlight, and you know you will be in the sun for a long time, use a chemical-free sunblock.

The irony about sunblock is the stuff most people use actually contains a chemical that is known to cause cancer. The FDA says PABA is a known carcinogen, or causes cancer and yet it is in most sunblocks. How ironic. There are PABA-free sunscreens that use "new" different chemicals. My thought is that those chemicals that replace the PABA will soon be identified as carcinogens as well. Just give them time. Even PABA was labeled "safe" by the FDA at first.

My recommendation: get a good chemical-free sunblock. Many health food stores will have them. Or you can find a place near you that sells them on the web. Avalon Organics is the sunblock I recommend and use. Unfortunately, they are not available everywhere right now.

The easiest way to get sunlight is go outside. Go outside every day without contacts or any type of glasses and have large amounts of your skin exposed to the sun. For you this might not be feasible, because you live some place where there is a thing called winter. So an acceptable alternative is getting some quality full spectrum light bulbs for your work and home. These are light bulbs that put out light similar to the sun. You can order them online as well, full spectrum solutions are the brand I use. But be careful; not all full spectrum bulbs are created equal. Most of the full spectrum bulbs in traditional stores are not much of an improvement over ordinary lights.

Source: Ezinearticles